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What An Ideal Audience Is (And What It Isn't)
So much marketing advice out there starts with “get to know your audience.” But no one’s rushing to tell you how. So you’re left guessing. This post teaches you what the end goal should be and includes stealable prompts and questions to help you get there.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Copywriter?
Hiring a professional copywriter is a really good idea…like a ‘deciding to turn grapes into wine’ good. It just makes sense. And it’s always a great investment—especially compared to the cost of bad copy. But what kinda investment are we talking? A $10 bottle? $50? Or the one a staff member has to unlock from the vault? Find out!

How To Create A Brand Voice
Pinning down a brand voice takes time, strategy, and intention. But once you get it right? Oooooh, it’s like magic!

3 Copywriting Mistakes Health Experts Make
Feel like your content and copy isn’t quite landing with your ideal audience? Think you might be fire-hosing them with info? Read about the copy mistakes we SO many experts making—and learn to avoid them for yourself.